2024 CWSA European Wakesurf Championship

2024 CWSA European Wakesurf Championship

It was the return to the magnificent Lake Annecy for the 2024 CWSA Wakesurf European Championship after the great edition last year on Lake Morat in Switzerland. More than sixty riders from 9 different countries had responded to the meeting on September 7 and 8, 2024. Thanks to Ski Wake 74 and Wakeboat Service, the new importer Centurion boats France, for taking the initiative to host this event. It was therefore on a Centurion ri230 that the competition took place. The weather was perfect on Saturday but it deteriorated for the finals on Sunday, which took place under the rain for the most part.

Once again the Black Revolt Wakesurf athletes distinguished themselves by their performance during this competition. In Men Pro Skim it was Olivier Scokaert who won the title and in Men Pro Surf it was our rider Julien Prudencio who won ahead of 2 Russian riders and a German. Unfortunately Jennifer Edwards was not present to defend her title in Female Pro Skim. In Master Female Surf it was Tatiana Bosshard who retained her title while Alain Viviand had to settle for a 2nd place in Master Men Surf. In Amateur Men Surf it was Matia Erba our rider from Ticino who won and in Amateur Men Skim it was Jeff Degiacomi who was well ahead of Gianmarco Panacionne, both with the Black Revolt Spoon. Congratulations to Nina Traeger for her 2nd place in Amateur Female Skim and to Adina Vetsch for her 4th place.

Big congratulations to all the riders for their rides despite wet conditions during the finals. Thank to Centurion boat France and Skiwake 74 for the organization as well as Samar from the CWSA and all the judges of the event without whom nothing would be possible. Thanks also to the boat pilots. We will see you all at the CWSA World Championships in Geneva at the beginning of October.


How to choose your wakesurf

choisir son wakesurf black revolt
planche de wakesurf skim style

How to choose your wakesurf

How to choose your wakesurf? Choosing your wakesurf board is important. I’ve seen a lot of stupidity on the web lately and I think it’s time to do a quick article about it.

– 1st point: you must already determine whether you want to ride a “skim” or a “surf” board.

Skimboards have only one small fin at the back in the middle of the wakesurf board and they measure around 1.8 cm thick (Black Revolt Dagger skim for example). These are a priori the “easiest” boards to ride but not necessarily for all types of people. In fact, some riders, even beginners, prefer to start on “surf style” boards because they feel more comfortable on it.

“Surf” boards are larger and are generally equipped with 2 side fins (twin fins) or possibly 4 (quad fins) for the most motivated. Especially not 3 fins (thruster) which is the classic setup for real surfing but which doesn’t work great in wakesurfing. No “pro” rider uses 3 fins on their board, the majority use the twin fin configuration. Surfboards are thicker than skims and are approximately between 4.5cm and 5cm thick. Choosing one or another type of board is really a question of feeling, each rider is different, positions themselves differently on the wakesurf board and the best way to find which type suits you best is all simply to try the 2 types of boards.

planche de wakesurf surf style
wake skim et wake surf
planche de wakesurf black revolt

I therefore advise you to try different types and models of boards before investing in your first board and above all to be advised by real professionals who know what they are talking about. Get information from several people such as experienced riders, instructors and manufacturers and/or sellers of wakesurf boards. And above all, be wary of those who know everything and absolutely want to sell you the board they have in stock.

Choosing the size of your wakesurf board

Finally, some advice for the size of your board. The size of your wakesurf board will depend on several parameters  :

  • Your skill level.
  • The type of boat you are riding (an Axis A20 loaded with 600 kg does not have the same wave as a Nautique G23 loaded with 2000 kg) as well as its ballast capacity
  • The hardness and  push  of the wave are also very important and will depend on the type, size, year, ballast capacity and setting. Of the boat.

This is why I systematically ask my clients which boat they ride most often because there are big differences from one wake to another.

For an average boat wave for example (Nautique G21 1300kg of ballast), I recommend for a beginner rider weighing 75kg a board skim like the Dagger skim between 52″ and 55″ (130cm and 140cm). As a style surfboard size, I recommend for the same weight to ride a board like the Hatchet between 4’5” and 4’7” (134 cm and 140cm).

Do not hesitate to contact me for any information regarding your future wakesurf board, I will advise you as best as possible.

CWSA European Wakesurf Championship 2023

euopean wakesurf championship 2023 black revolt wakesurf
jen et olivier Championnat d'Europe de Wakesurf CWSA 2023

CWSA European Wakesurf Championship 2023

What a great weekend at the 2023 CWSA European Wakesurf Championship in Le Praz, Switzerland. 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭 𝗪𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐟 has collected 5 European championship titles… Not bad for a small French brand made by hand.

It was the weekend of August 19 and 20 on Lake Murten in Switzerland that these European Wakesurf Championships took place. This event was organized by Tatiana from the Beesurf wake club.

The competition boat was the Centurion Ri230, a sure bet in terms of wave quality. More than fifty European riders were present for this occasion from around ten different countries.

The main categories are obviously the 4 divisions Pro skim and Pro surf and of course our riders outdid themselves. It was Jennifer Edwards (UK) who won the Female pro Skim category hands down with more than 10 points ahead of 2nd. In Male Pro Skim it was Olivier Scokaert (Bel) who also won with an extremely technical run perfectly executed. Olivier also finished 3rd in Male Pro Surf even though he never rides surfboards.

In Master female surfing it is our ambassador Tatiana Bosshard (Sui) who wins while in Male Surfing it is Alain Viviand (Fr). Both of them won the European champion titles with their Hammer Surf. Finally in Amateur female skim it was Adina Vetsch (Sui) who finished on 1st place on the podium with her Stiletto Pro carbon. David Millet finished 3rd in Master male skim.

tania et alain black revolt wakesurf
adina and olivier Championnat d'Europe de Wakesurf CWSA 2023

Congratulations to all the riders for the great runs at the 2023 CWSA European Wakesurf Championship. A big thank you to Tatiana from Bee Surf and Luc from Centurion Boats Switzerland and their teams for organizing this event. Thanks also to Samar and John from the CWSA, the judges, Laurent and the team at the Hôtel Bel Air et la Cambuse for hosting the event and to all the sponsors/partners who made this event a success. We hope for an equally successful 2024 edition!